How to make a crystal from copper sulfate

Copper sulfate

You can purchase copper sulfate in any gardening store. It is sold in packets of 100 grams. This copper sulfate is light blue because of its low purity. Crystals produced using it will be brighter.

Copper sulfate is likewise sold in special laboratories that offer reagents. From this copper sulfate, dull blue crystals are developed, which resemble precious stones.

Container for the solution

Utilize a glass vessel, as other materials enter into a chemical reaction with the solution. A jug with a wide neck, with a volume of 0.5 liters, will be ideal. It is categorically forbidden to utilize it for nourishment after the experiment.

Base for crystallization

For the base, utilize a thin woolen string of a blue or dark color. The grown-up crystal is semi-transparent, and the base ought not ruin the result. An alternative is a copper wire of little diameter, polished with sandpaper beforehand.


At the point when copper sulfate from a hardware store is utilized for the experiment, bubbled water ought to be utilized. On the off chance that the copper sulfate is of high purity, the solution is made with distilled water.

Protective equipment

The sulfate is toxic, and you ought not work with it without gloves. Youthful children should wear medical veils.

Pencil or stick to hold the base
Utilize it for hanging the string with future crystal.
Transparent nail polish
To preserve crystals.
Disposable plastic spoon

Attention! Just conduct the experiment under grown-up supervision. Toward the finish of the procedure, wash your hands under running water. You should wash them thoroughly. You should not taste the crystal or powder. On the off chance that copper sulfate gets at children , help them by rinsing their eyes with a lot of water.

Are you looking for copper sulfate manufacturing company?  Please visit our website

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